Over the last couple of weeks we’ve had several of same questions asked about Zoey (Akosua Pokuaa) that we thought we’d answer here.
1) Have you got to communicate with her since you left; can’t you write, call, email or Skype her? No, we have not got to communicate with her directly. She is not in an orphanage or transition home where some sort of communication might possibly be available. She still lives in her village which is in a rural region of Ghana. Her village has no electricity, no mail route and no running water…it’s a rural African village. Communication is delivered to them in person by word of mouth. Zoey is going through everyday life just as she did before we met her. Our only communication will comes and goes through our contact Peter who is still a 1 ½ drive from where she lives. We have received one report and pictures from him though that I’ll address in the next question.
2) Do you know if she wonders if you are coming back or not? When Peter went to visit a couple weeks ago she was just getting off the bus from school.
Notice the socks we left with her and Christy's ponytail holders she is still wearing as bracelets!! |
She had two questions for him, “How are Momma Christy and Daddy Tyson?” and “When are you taking to me to Accra for my visa appointment?” This was very encouraging to us because she knows that the embassy, not us, is all that is keeping her from coming home. That leads into our next question.
3) How long will it be or do you know when you will get to go back and get her? We wish we knew! The day we left our paperwork at the Embassy they said, “Legally we must process her in 60 days, but we also have the right to send you a letter telling you it will be longer.” Translation: We Don’t Know! We do know that as recently as last week an officer at the Embassy was working on our adoption because we had been in contact with them clearing up some details. We have nothing to go on other than our gut feeling. We really feel like we will travel in May! BUT, that’s just us and what we think. This could last on into the summer.
Friends and family, thank you. Thank you for your prayers and genuine interest in our journey. We love you all!